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Friday Feature: Grimaldi Martinez-Melendez

Welcome to Feature Friday! This is the section of our new site where we get to gather around, learn from one another, create together and get to know each other. For the next couple of months, we will be introducing you to a different person in our region who is involved in making worship happen.


Today, we are featuring Grimaldi Martinez-Melendez. He is a pastor at the North Jersey Vineyard Church in New Jersey. Worship is just one of the many areas that Grimaldi oversees.

Tell us about yourself!

I have 4 children: 2 Boys and 2 girls that range from 8-21 years old. I have been married to my wife, Celine, for 24 years now.

In what way do you serve the worship team?

I am the worship pastor and play multiple instruments; my main instrument is guitar.

What is a book that changed your life?

How did you first meet God?

When I was a senior in high school, my aunt, who had been a Christian for a long time, led me to Christ. Prior to that, I would have described myself as a nominal Catholic.

What worship song is your church engaging with the most nowadays?

What is something that you like to do outside of your church?

I love to box and work out as a boxer! I can still complete the workouts I did when I was younger!

What aspect of worship ministry gives you the most joy?

First and foremost, training and releasing people. I love seeing them come from rudimentary musical skills and a basic understanding of worship and becoming effective worship leaders and musicians. I also love playing electric guitar.

What is the best piece of advice you've received or training event you've ever experienced?

I think at the end of the day, the best training I ever got was when I was a young worship leader. I used to get around some of my friends (who had been playing guitar and leading worship for years in different worship circles) and just play and worship with them. I learned so much by just hanging out with those older guys! To this day, I think that has been the biggest influence on what I do.


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