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#FridayFeature Shanna Perreault

Welcome to Feature Friday! This is the section of our new site where we get to gather around, learn from one another, create together and get to know each other. For the next couple of months, we will be introducing you to a different person in our region who is involved in making worship happen.


Tell us about yourself!

Hi everyone, my name is Shanna. My husband Chad and I have been married for 11 years. This has been a new season for us! Last summer Chad stepped into the assistant pastoral position at our church full time. Life is definitely different for us now, but we are super excited for this new journey. I am also one blessed mama of three! Jackson 9, Rylan 7 and Grace is 4. It has been my greatest joy to be able to stay home with them full time and homeschool.

At what church do you serve?

Portland Vineyard, Maine.

In what way do you serve the worship team?

I do backup vocals and also lead on our team. And I just started trying to learn how to play guitar.

What is a book that changed your life?

One book that has captivated my heart over and over again throughout the years is, "Redeeming Love" By Francine Rivers. I love the overwhelming theme in this book of God's powerful, unconditional love for his people.

How did you first meet God?

I grew up always knowing God and his love for me. But I would say a really powerful, pivotal time in my life was when I was younger. I know Some of you may remember when "renewal" broke out (it did powerfully at the Lewiston Vineyard in Maine which was the church we belonged to at that time) and other places like Canada. Anyway, That's when I really experienced the Holy Spirit and saw with my physical eyes the mighty working of the Lord in my own heart as a young girl and also the hearts of others all around me in a really powerful, tangible way! Changed my life and will forever be etched in my heart.

Do you write songs?

I have never written any songs, but I absolutely love to write in general. I love poetry and I love expressing myself on paper. So maybe one day I will take that step.

What is a worship song that your church is engaging with the most?

There are so many good ones! I would say one that we brought back this past year was "Where The Mercy Falls" By David Ruis. I love that this song can be played so simply and yet can be built so powerfully. My favorite part of the song is the tag at the end, "You are here, breaking through, meeting us!” LOVE THOSE WORDS!

What is something that you like to do outside of your Church?

I treasure spending time with my family. Sometimes we will just take a drive and discover a new place. I also love cooking and baking. You can find me thrifting and antiquing. I absolutely love decorating and creating! I'm obsessed with movies, tea and chocolate (my favorite combination!) And I love time with my close friends.

What aspect of worship ministry gives you the most joy?

One song that has always meant so much to me is "The Heart of Worship" By Matt Redman. When the music fades, all is stripped away And I simply come Longing just to bring, something that's of worth That will bless your heart I'm coming back to the heart of worship and it’s all about you, it’s all about you Jesus..... For me this song is a reminder that I find the greatest joy in worship when I continuously get before the Lord and remind myself that it truly is all about him. And though good musicianship is absolutely wonderful, and using our gifting to the best of our ability is so good and being good stewards of our gifts is awesome. Ultimately joy will always come when everything is stripped away and with our hearts postured before the Lord. Our eyes and our hearts focused on him as we accept the invitation to come and get lost in his presence. Such a beautiful perspective for me.

What is the best piece of advice or training event you have ever experienced?

One year I was at a women's retreat, and our speaker, a woman that I love so dearly, Janet Strout said, "Sometimes we know that the Lord is calling us to the next step, but we don't know how to get there. If we are faithful in the "inner workings" of Jesus we don't have to worry about point A and point B. Just press in hard to the inner life, be intentional." I love this so much! It seems so simple, but how many times do we worry over what we are supposed to put our hands to. Or get weighed down with how it will look. When sometimes we don't need to have everything mapped out for us (although that would be nice) it's just not the way it always works. So for me, this is a wonderful reminder that we just have to trust, press in, and God will always meet us each and every time!


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