RISE Recap!
This past weekend, we hosted about 70 15-25 year olds for the RISE conference. RISE was a two day event, especially designed for worship leaders, worship team members, and those interested in worship sound and technology. IT WAS A BLAST!
Some highlights:
Seeing so many young leaders and team members from all over the Northeast gather together to learn and worship. We had Mainers and we had youth from Blue Route and all the way in between. The future of the Vineyard is in good hands.
Friday night was special. I loved seeing guest instructor Tim Brown bring up different teens and young adults to help him play through songs. Watching them stand a little taller, play with more confidence and be encouraged - so worth it! In fact, that building up was one of the best things to happen this weekend.
There was a constant thread through every teaching on HEART - the right heart for worship, having integrity, being kind to one another, and not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought (Romans 12:3). I wish I had this underscored with as much grace and patient persistence when I was younger. Jonathan Latshaw and Christian Dunn from the Barn gave two pointed talks on this very topic: good reminders on what it means to be on stage and how to be humble and confident. I needed to hear what they had to say. I’m sure others did as well.
I was astounded by the variety of workshops - literally something for everyone. Just about everyone went to Sarah Elmer’s vocal workshop, but still had time to sample Josh Ray’s Pro Tools session, or learn a bit about songwriting, acoustic guitar playing, or keys. One of the best things about RISE was how practical and helpful it was!
Finally, it’s such a treat to see how the Holy Spirit moves at these conferences - watching our next generation of leaders pray for each other, receive prayer and get words for each other is amazing!
I already can’t wait to host another one of these. It was a lot of work, but it was an incredible, smart investment. Our next generation will be their best if they get our best.
So many good moments from this year - I’m sure I’m leaving some things out. But here’s where I’d love for you to chime in.
What were some of your RISE highlights?